If for some reason you can’t check the site, don’t give up on grants just yet. Most public libraries and college libraries actually have copies of current CFDA listings. Just check with your local public librarian and see if you can get a copy of CFDA federal grant money listing.
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The Government and Private Foundation's expect you to find out about it's Free Grant Money Program's all by yourself. But that's almost an impossible task, because there are so many different types of Free Government Grant Programs and Foundation Give-a-way's that it would be a full time job just to keep track of all the names, phone numbers and addresses.
Run by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Grantsnet is a public access computer network for finding and exchanging information about HHS and other federal grant money programs. The site is a great source of helpful information on finding, getting, and administering federal grant money.
Most people will never apply for a free grant money and Government loans, because they somehow feel it isn't for them, they may feel there's too much red-tape involved or they simply don't know who to contact for this money. The fact is, however, that people from all walks of life do receive free grant money, personal assistance and other benefits from the Government everyday, and so should you.
The U.S. Government is not hiding this information from you, it's just that our elected officials spend all their time and money developing these programs and services, and very little time promoting them. That's why you don't see television commercials or billboard's saying FREE GRANT MONEY.
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