Friday, April 10, 2009
Federal grant money for small business
You have probably seen the ads about how to get "free" money via home business grants.In the past ten years, the number of women-owned businesses has grown exponentially, and these businesses are just as successful as businesses owned by men. Women seeking capital to finance their business ventures can receive grant money. Grants are available for women starting up businesses in all fields-bed and breakfasts, catering, photography, record labels, greeting cards, craft businesses, consulting, brokerage, and more.
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Can this be true? While the government does offer grant money, this money is not as easy to qualify for or receive as some may lead you to believe. There are several scams that entice you with the promise of "free" money, for a small fee. Here's how many of the home business grant scams work:
The company guarantees that you will get a home business grant or you will get all of your money back! Successful women-owned businesses have boomed in the past decade.
- The number of women-owned businesses has increased exponentially over the past decade.
- Women run companies differently than do men-53% of women business owners are "right-brained," emphasizing their superior use of intuition over analysis, allowing women to see opportunities that might not readily appear to the more left-brained businessmen. Women also tend to use both sides of the brain in decision making, unlike men, giving them a better mix of analysis and creativity, which is critical for small start-up ventures.
- The explosive growth of women-owned businesses over the past decade demonstrates the success of their non-traditional style.
- The US government grants $350 billion in free government grants each year for small business and personal grants.
- Special grants are available for entrepreneurial women to start up a home-based business, thereby allowing women conveniently to stay at home with their children and work at the same time.
- Take the VentureWorthy survey to help find out more about grants for women starting up businesses.
For a fee of about $40 - $50 you get a packet with information on how to write a home business grant proposal and a customized list of organizations who can provide the grant you need.
You pay the fee and in return you get back the information but with one catch: The organizations on the list don't typically give home business grants to individuals to start or grow their own business.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
How People With Disabilities Start A Business

There's a lot of myth and misinformation floating around about grants....In fact, most government disability grants are federally administered and can be found in one place on the Internet. Go to the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance and see for yourself.Its understood that small business is fast becomingthe lifeline of the American Economy and will employmillions of people in the future which is why grantsare provided to fuel the business sector.
If you are thinking of starting or expanding a business, be sure to visit the link below titled "How People With Disabilities Start A Business"
grants are available to start a new business or expand an existing one, equipment financing, acquisition of a new or existing business, rent, salaries, office expenses, overhead.
If it's worth it to you to save hours - and more likely days - of futile searching, then you should get a book. In fact, YOU DON'T HAVE TO BUY a book. Borrow one at your local public library. If they don't have it stock, ask them to order it for you.
Getting a grant is not at alllike plucking money offthe nearest grant tree!
Now, I know this is a great deal because frankly, when people buy a grant book, they're often just looking for easy money. They want to be able to walk out of their home or office, go to the nearest grant tree and pluck the money off the branches.There are also many programs available to help the disabled start and operate their own businesses. Monies can be used to pay yourself a salary as you start your new business as well a PASS funding that your business.
Monday, April 6, 2009
State Sources for Small Business Grants

Small business grants are closer than you think. In fact, the small business grant you need to start or expand your business may be available right in your own home state.There are often multiple documents that must be submitted along with the application. If you don't submit every single document required, your application will probably be tossed into the trash can. It is vital to follow instructions when applying for government grants. The following is a list of links to economic development agency Web sites of each state. Whenever possible, a link to the specific financing resources is listed as well.
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Apply for money from every possible organization. Be specific about what makes your situation unique and why you need the grant money to be a better member of society.
Single Mom Grants For Day Care Centers
How to Receive Government Grants For Minorities
Why Women's Small Business Grants Exist
How to Find Invoice Finance Options For Your Business
Start Up Loan For an Aspiring Businessmen
The Secret to Getting Rich Quick
How to Apply for Home-Based Business Grants
Money to Start New Business - How Much is Enough?
The Easiest and Best Debt Relief Solution -
Obama Grants For Jobs - Can Federal Grants Save Your Job?
Why Don't Caucasian Women Apply For Minority Grants?
First Time Home Owners Grant - Buy a Home With Government Grants For House Owners
Legitimate Government Grants - Secrets to Get Government Grants Legally
Federal Grants - How to Get Federal Government Grants For Individuals
Funding For Your Growing Company
An Alternative to Venture Capital Financing
There is a lot of debate as to how useful it is for small business owners to apply for grants. Many experts will remind you of the fierce competition, the strenuous guidelines, and the amount of time spent on applying for home-based business grants.Many of these grants can be used for a lot more as well. There are education grants that can be used to pay for your college textbooks, student housing and other educational expenses.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Small Business Opportunities and funds

Approximately 300,000 new businesses are started each year in usa. More people are expected to start a business for themselves this year than ever before.and over $200 million grant or Free money government give away! Now you can Receive up to $25,000 that never has to be paid back -- Guaranteed! Get a grant to start your own business today!
If you're a small business owner, or you've always dreamed of starting your own business, you've probably run across ads like these. Companies that "guarantee" you'll get a grant to start your own business that never has to be paid back.Yes of course !People often need help finding the information they need to become a successful business owner; especially first time business owners.
The program partners will fund individuals who have original ideas for new Web sites, mobile news services, or other entrepreneurial initiatives that offer interactive opportunities to engage, inspire, and improve news and information in a geographic community or a community of interest.
First of all, what is a grant money?
A grant is a sum of money that is used for a specific purpose. Grants are given away by charitable organizations called foundations, and their sole purpose is to give away that money.
# Make a Lot of Money With a Truly Small Business
# Small Startup Capital Business Options With High Profit Potential
# From Zero to Five Monthly Figures With a Small Business
# Small Start Does Not Equal Small Business
# 2009 May Be the Best Year to Start a New Business
# 5 Small Business Opportunities That Mean Big Business
# How to Buy a Food Concession Trailer
# Small Business Start Up Grants
In addition, the U.S. Federal government also gives away billions of dollars of grant money every year for many reasons -- including to support and encourage economic development and small business growth, which is where you come in.
Well, it appears that I've hit the job trifecta, detailed as follows:
I'm in one of the six most lucrative career paths (I'm in #1)
I have the degree with the best return on it
My job is one that pays well even in a recession
Friday, April 3, 2009
How to Find & Get Small Business Grants

The U.S. government does not currently provide grants for starting or expanding a small business. However, the government does offer plenty of free help in planning how to start or improve your business and in securing low-interest SBA-backed small business loans. In addition, many states DO offer small business grants to individuals.
Small business grants are often a hot topic among entrepreneurs with limited funds and access to capital. We have all seen the headlines: "Free Government Grant for Small Business." It seems all too easy. Locate a government small business grant, apply and before you know it you have the money to grow your cash-strapped business.
Are small businesses really worth it?
Why is the U.S. government interested in helping small business? America's 25 million small businesses employ more than 50 percent of the private work force, generate more than half of the nation's gross domestic product, and are the principal source of new jobs in the U.S. economy.
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Most U.S. government departments, such as the Department of Commerce, do not provide any grants for starting a small business. Grant programs are available through state programs and other groups. The grant programs are often awarded to fields such as medicine or education, with very specific eligibility criteria.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
CFDA Federal Grant Money Listing

If for some reason you can’t check the site, don’t give up on grants just yet. Most public libraries and college libraries actually have copies of current CFDA listings. Just check with your local public librarian and see if you can get a copy of CFDA federal grant money listing.
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The Government and Private Foundation's expect you to find out about it's Free Grant Money Program's all by yourself. But that's almost an impossible task, because there are so many different types of Free Government Grant Programs and Foundation Give-a-way's that it would be a full time job just to keep track of all the names, phone numbers and addresses.
Run by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Grantsnet is a public access computer network for finding and exchanging information about HHS and other federal grant money programs. The site is a great source of helpful information on finding, getting, and administering federal grant money.
Most people will never apply for a free grant money and Government loans, because they somehow feel it isn't for them, they may feel there's too much red-tape involved or they simply don't know who to contact for this money. The fact is, however, that people from all walks of life do receive free grant money, personal assistance and other benefits from the Government everyday, and so should you.
The U.S. Government is not hiding this information from you, it's just that our elected officials spend all their time and money developing these programs and services, and very little time promoting them. That's why you don't see television commercials or billboard's saying FREE GRANT MONEY.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Government Grant Programs all over the United States.

In fact small business creates far more new jobs than big business, for this reason most states offer an array of programs designed to directly benefit small business development. There is literally millions of dollars in grant money for business development services and expert assistance available to any individual who would like to improve or expand a business.
Did you know that there are over 30,000 Private Foundations, 20,000 Business Foundations, 24,000 State Programs, and 1,500 Federal Programs administered by 57 different Federal Agencies? These agencies independently allocate and administer the combined $1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS to be given away in 2009. They need to give this Free Money to somebody, so WHY NOT YOU? Some people ask, "Can I apply for more than one Grant?" And we tell them, "Yes!! Apply for as many as you want. Frankly, you are ONLY limited by your own imagination and what you can do with the grant money. SO IMAGINE YOUSELF….
Starting or expanding a BUSINESS Getting a PATENT for your invention
Going to SCHOOL Buying a FRANCHISE
Buying or renovating a HOME Manufacturing a PRODUCT
Investing into REAL ESTATE Marketing a SERVICE
Starting a NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Getting money for your CHURCH
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There are hundreds of free government money programs and private foundation grants available. You just need to choose the one that is right for you and submit your application. Those who qualify could receive thousands of dollars in:
1.Grant to Pay Down debt
2.Money to Start Your Small Business
3.Grant Funds for Home Buyers and Home Repair
The number of government grant programs and other private foundation grants are just too long to list here, and there's a great deal of money being given away. Billions of dollars in free grant money is handed out to taxpaying citizens and organizations, and if you don't ask for it someone else will. As long as you spend the money for its intended purpose, it's yours to keep for free. Here's where it gets even better... You can apply for as many grants as you like — there's no limit. But first your application must get approved first.
In fact there is money available for virtually any conceivable idea you may have!
For more complete details and a step-by-step instructions on how to write a successfulgrant proposal, order today.